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Game Ready...Life Ready

Have you heard the phrase, "who you surround yourself with is who you become?"

Surround yourself with the best.    Become extraordinary.    Let the 360+ program lead the way!    


Our Mission

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The 360+ program seeks to serve our ALL AMERICAN+ youth athletes through a supplemental level of enrichment that emphasizes values and virtues.  

Based on our "Game Ready...Life Ready" motto, our mission is to develop the whole person (360 degrees) including mind, body, and spirit. 

We believe our 360+ program will differentiate our sports program from all others...around the world...and will produce young adult athletes who are leaders at more than sports.   


Surround yourself with industry leaders and mentors who will model these important topics and more!







Service to Others





Students in Classroom

Our Program

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Housed in our new, inviting, and comfortable 360+ Club space inside the ALL AMERICAN+ Field House, our program will provide athletes a place to learn, grow, and discover...without feeling like a classroom. 

The 360+ program will provide:

  • Group forums hosted by our 360+ Mentors   

  • Life skills-based enrichment                        

  • Guidance by older student and adult athletes

  • Leadership camps                                    

  • Opportunities for community service and outreach


"We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible."

~Vince Lombardi


360 Mentors

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Our athletes will be prepared for life's challenges and successes through the intentional introduction to values, virtues, and their own unique strengths.  



Through the mentorship and expert advice of nationally recognized leaders, athletes, and innovators, student-athletes will be presented with tools and resources from a variety of perspectives.  These role models are the driving force behind our program. 

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Upcoming Events

Click the listings for more detail and to register to attend the events.

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